About–Jason Miller


I’m Jason Miller.  I am married with seven kids ages 27,25,22,10, 9, 5 and 4.  My wife, our four kids and I live in Minnesota where I work at a non-profit agency as a counselor.  I have an associate license at a masters degree level and am hoping to be an Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker soon.

I consider myself blessed with peaks and valleys in my abilities.  Day by day I try to be thankful to God for both.  I am a believer and called to be a social worker.  I hope that both those identities give me a perspective to inject better seeking in both regarding truth in the human condition.

What kind of believer?  Most fundamentally I consider myself a Christ-follower.  How that is looking in expression has changed radically in recent years by going from being a Protestant to a Catholic (nope, not a typo). I am a certified catechist in my former diocese of Phoenix and I am enjoying the journey and taking one day at a time.

I hope this blog is open to people of all backgrounds.  Some posts will be in a realm that CS Lewis would call “mere Christianity” with a touch of apologetics.  Sometimes it will be more specific to my understanding as a Catholic Christian.  Enjoy!

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